青年艺术家音乐会系列:采访Callie Miles '24

Celena McAfee
The Young Artists Concert Series will kick off this fall featuring Callie Miles ’24.

凯丽将加入韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的伟大名单,因为她将登上舞台 Friday, 9月 29. 加入她的将是26岁的斯隆·迈尔斯和玛雅·贾勒特.

The music department started The Young Artist Concert Series in 2018. 该系列包括每年秋季和春季举行的一场音乐会, where one student is chosen as the headliner. 第一场音乐会的特邀艺术家:古典钢琴家周浩凯(Kevin), 安娜·施密特,20届, cellist Owen Graham ’20, and singer/songwriter Gabe Parsons ’19. 该系列节目旨在突出索莱伯里学校音乐项目的高级音乐家和歌手. “The opportunity to perform is open to all genres, 过去的音乐会囊括了从古典到爵士的各种音乐, 岩石, and 音乐al Theater fare,” Cathy Block P'14, 音乐 Department Head, shared as she discussed the selection process. 她谈到了音乐系为学生举办的展示才华的海选. “获得这两个令人垂涎的职位之一被认为是一种荣誉. 这位特辑艺术家在音乐系的咨询下安排了他们的晚会.”

音乐系很高兴为大家呈现凯丽的表演. “人们最好能以优惠的价格抓住凯丽,”主唱金·哈里斯(Kim Harris)开玩笑说.

Cathy Block P'14, who refers to Callie as a "superb 人才,“希望社区能利用这个机会看到这位冉冉升起的新星. The concert will be held at the Performing 艺术 Center (PAC) on Friday, 9月 29, at 7 PM. The Young Artist Concert Series admission is free. It will also be streaming live on Instagram @soleburymusic.


Can you speak a bit about this?

I started playing with 路德迪金森 黑礁岛和北密西西比全明星队的一员, and he has continued to be both a mentor and a friend. I grew up around musicians and artists, 他们中的许多人花时间相信我,并给我传授经验. I have played bass and piano in many live shows, done some studio work and backup vocals, 最近我开始在本地和国内其他地方演出. 

What can people expect to hear at your Young Artist Concert?

I hope anyone who watches my Young Artist Concert Series 离开的时候,我明白了我是谁,无论是在台上还是台下. I have tried to show different sides of myself, 里面有我小时候喜欢的歌和我最近写的歌. 这是我的人生和音乐之旅,展示了两者是如何一直交织在一起的. 



我的合作者和老朋友Maia Jarrett将和我一起玩. She is one of my favorite people to harmonize with, 跟, and just be around, and we have a special musical connection. 我的弟弟,斯隆,一个了不起的吉他手和人,也将演奏. 

How has the music program here impacted you?

Cathy Block has changed my life. She is so much more than a teacher. 她是我的良师益友,也是我最好的音乐老师. 凯西知道如何用积极的态度鼓励学生,并在我们没有尽自己的责任时让我们承担责任. 她真的教会了我如何成为乐队的一员,如何带领乐队的音乐家. The entire music department at Solebury is special. Kim Harris has inspired me everyday since I met her, 格雷格·利普斯科姆总是有很好的洞察力和最美丽的组合. I wish I could take every class here 100 times. 有些课程我已经学过很多次了,每次都能学到更多. 这些年来,我感到很幸运,我的音乐不仅被接受,而且被活跃起来. 我能够把社区团结在一起,感觉很好, 我会永远感激索伯里为我和我的艺术创造了空间. 

What are your dreams for your future?

我的梦想是生活在这样一个世界里,我可以成为促进音乐和艺术作为变革工具的一部分. Our world is beautiful, but we have so much progress to make, 没有比创造力和毅力更强大的工具了. 我希望我个人的未来是充满音乐和和平的. 我希望更多地了解制作和音乐产业的不同方面,并找出我在其中的位置. While I am grateful for these four years, I am excited for my life after Solebury, 我知道我将在这里学到的所有经验教训用于我的事业和生活.

Be sure to follow Callie on Instagram @callietmiles 或者直播她 录音 在一夜. For more information about The Young Artist Concert Series, please contact Cathy Block at cblock@yhrj.net.

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